'Irish Post' appoints editor

THE LONDON-based Irish Pos t newspaper, which was bought by Irish businessman, Mr Elgin Loane last year, has appointed a new …

THE LONDON-based Irish Post newspaper, which was bought by Irish businessman, Mr Elgin Loane last year, has appointed a new editor, Murray Morse – a former editor-in-chief of the Dailyand Sunday Sport and the Cambridge Evening News.

During his time at the helm of the Cambridge Evening News, the newspaper was awarded the title of regional newspaper of the year in the east of England, along with winning awards for campaigning journalism and the scoop of the year. He was news editor of the Daily Record, then Scotland's biggest-selling tabloid, at the time of the Dunblane School massacre and he also served as news editor of the Belfast Telegraphfor two years.

His daughter, Harriett was born in Belfast on August 31st, 1994 – the day of the IRA ceasefire.

Mr Murray said he was delighted to be taking the editor's post at the 40-year-old Irish Post, saying: "It has a long and proud tradition as the 'Voice of the Irish in Britain', and I am very proud to be leading it into a new era after the title was rescued by Elgin Loane last year."


The Postwas bought by Mr Loane last year after the title had been closed in August by Cork-based Thomas Crosbie Holdings. It sells about 20,000 copies per week. It has recently revamped its website and more changes are to be made in coming months.

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy is Ireland and Britain Editor with The Irish Times