As the century comes to a close people are increasingly aware of the rapid advances in technology, and though many devices are still not practicable, the house of the future seems destined to differ greatly from today's average two-up, two down. Next Tuesday's Tech TV programme will take a look at an eco-friendly house in Norfolk built on concrete stilts to resist future climate changes. Complete with compost lavatory, waste water is cleansed by a reed-bed system purifying it before it drains into a ditch. A Belgian example of the future home has an array of gadgets provided by 150 high-tech companies. The kitchen keeps an inventory check on food and drink stocks, while the "TV Evening" budget on the remote dims the lights, closes the curtains and switches on the surround-sound TV. Next week's programme will also look at videoconferencing, computer animation in film and television, and religion on the Web.