Enron factfile

Enron is an international energy trading corporation operating in more than 40 countries and employing 21,000 people.

Enron is an international energy trading corporation operating in more than 40 countries and employing 21,000 people.

Revenues were $101 billion in 2000. The company announced a $638 million third-quarter 2001 loss six weeks ago.

Enron markets electricity and natural gas. It delivers energy and other physical commodities including metals, coal, pulp and paper. It also provides financial and risk management services globally.

Enron's business is divided into three core areas.


Enron Wholesale Services is Enron's worldwide wholesale businesses, including the marketing and delivery of physical commodities and financial and risk management services.

Enron Energy Services is Enron's retail business, providing integrated energy and facility management to commercial and industrial customers.

Enron Global Services is made up of Enron's asset-based businesses. These include Portland General Electric, international power, pipeline and distribution operations, engineering businesses; Enron Wind; EOTT Energy Corp, Azurix and Wessex Water in Britain.

The company owns $47.3 billion of assets including 15,000 miles of fibre optic cables and 30,000 miles of pipeline.

Enron was formed in July 1985 as a result of the merger of Houston Natural Gas and InterNorth of Omaha, Nebraska.

Enron's share price peaked in August 2000 at $90.56 after the company began trading online.

Launched in 1999, EnronOnline (EOL) rose to become the most liquid marketplace for gas and power in the US.