Dance station hopefuls

Storm FM

Storm FM

Consortium includes: nightclub owner John Reynolds; Emap, the UK magazine and radio giant which also own London's dance station Kiss FM; Boyzone manager Louis Walsh; U2's The Edge; Paul Kavanagh, ex director of programmes Atlantic 252; and designer John Rocha.

Pitch: High profile, trendy board members with a proven feel for the youth market plus Emap's experience.

Kiss FM


Consortium includes: financier Paschal Taggart; nightclub owner Robbie Fox; Black Tie's chief executive Niall O Farrell; Sean Ashmore of East Coast Radio; rugby international Malcolm O'Kelly; former FM104 executives Mike Ormond and Kevin Brannigan.


Extensive local experience plus bullish attitude.

@2K Radio

Consortium includes: Ex-Today FM station manager Dave Hammond; Marc Butterly, Paul Dunne, Gary Jermyn and Graham Kelly the promoters behind, an internet and digital broadcast company.

Pitch: Hammond's recent experience of radio start-ups from his time at Today FM plus the hi-tech internet broadcasters at who already have some radio on the web experience.

Pulse FM Consortium includes:

Former pirate station Pulse FM which ceased broadcasting on June 30th to comply with IRTC rules plus WLR FM from Waterford.

Track record in broadcasting to this market.