$28m Nigerian letter sting returns

THE Nigerian sting has returned

THE Nigerian sting has returned. If you've been offered a share in $28 million recently, stay well away - it's the old Nigerian fake letter scam.

A fake letter purporting to be from the Nigerian government was received recently by a number of Irish computer companies. One recipient was Mr Pat Heaney, director of Business Computer Training in Merrion Square.

The fax offered him a 20 per cent share of $28 million and explained that the previous Nigerian government set up companies which grossly over invoiced several ministries.

The letter then said they would offer him 20 per cent of the money owed to the Irish company.


Implausible though it may sound, this scam has been around for years and many have fallen for it. The Nigerian authorities last year had to take out an ad in the Financial Times explaining that it was phoney.

The fraudsters first ask for your bank account, fax numbers, a signed letter head and an invoice.

After reams of correspondence and only two or three days to go before you're due to be rich beyond your dreams, a problem turns up. A Nigerian official needs to be bribed, and the price can be anywhere between £2,000 to £25,000.

When the money has been transferred to an offshore account, the sting is over and the "officials" disappear.