This week, they said

I am beside myself! This is such a big fashion moment I can’t tell you!

I am beside myself! This is such a big fashion moment I can’t tell you!

BBC “fashion expert” as Kate Middleton stepped from her car to enter Westminster Abbey and marry Prince William

This is the right time for this; we need a thing like this. It’s been a bit gloomy the past couple of years . . .

Simon Cowell thinks the wedding has that X Factor


Foreign diplomats will sit together at the front of the abbey in what has been dubbed the “pew of evil”.

Times(of London) report on the niceties of protocol as to who would sit where

I’ve been watching him over the years and I like his acting but in terms of when I watch him doing interviews and various other things, we’re not dealing with Albert Einstein . . . [he’s] not the brightest bulb on the planet.

US property mogul Donald Trump, who questions whether Barack Obama was born in the US and who is ruminating on seeking the Republican nomination to challenge him for the White House, on actor Robert De Niro, a strong supporter of the president

It's crazy. . . It's like a big hustle; It's like being a car salesman . . . Don't go out there and say things unless you can back them up. How dare you? That's awful to do; to just go out and speak and say these terrible things? It's crazy. De Niro responds

We do not have time for this silliness. President Obama, publishing the long version of his birth certificate, proving, surprise surprise, that he was indeed born in Hawaii. Apparently. ..

I feel I've accomplished something really, really important and I'm honoured by it. Trump's reaction