David Murphy and Mark Oppenheimer debated the question 'Is Scientology a Dangerous Cult?' Here is an edited selection of your comments.
YES 99% NO 1%
"The Dublin Mission of the Church of Scientology declined an offer to participate in this debate." This to me was the most significant line in the two articles. They tried to censor debate by withdrawing, just as they did at UCD last November when they were invited to debate. The Irish Times is to be commended for seeing through their strategy and refusing to cancel the item . . . The State needs to do what Belgium did earlier this month when they closed them down.
Mike Garde Ireland
Just a tip from Germany to the leaders of this cult - building a new master race in a totalitarian regime doesn't work.
David Mudkips Germany
Dangerous to whom? Only to those gullible enough to be taken in by it (and their dependent children perhaps), surely . . . How many Scientologists have been driven to murder in the cause of their religion?
Mike United Kingdom
A couple of nights ago Jenna Miscavige, niece of the current church leader David Miscavige told in an interview of how she was forced to stay, made work through the night and forced into child labour from the age of six to 12 and was not allowed to contact her parents. Thankfully Jenna escaped and now with Astra Woodcraft and Kendra Wiseman runs a support website for kids who clawed their way out.
Anonymous Ireland
When you go through the pain of losing a loved one with no explanation you will know Scientology is a cult.
Joan Walker US
Less a dangerous cult than a dangerous business organisation.
Sergei Ireland
I wouldn't call it "dangerous" per se, as it's not one for the ol' ritualistic slaughter of its members, but I will say that it appears to be harmful. It may not physically hurt or come to damage its members or non-members, but its structure is very much like a pyramid scheme, and those on the bottom will come to suffer from the pressures above . . . They seem peaceful and sincere enough here in Ireland. Elsewhere, maybe it's different.
Tommy Ireland
Scientology is not a church or a religion. It is a malignant cult that destroys peoples' lives. The more you research, the more horrifying it is.
Betty Swollocks US
The church is a dangerous cult. It's not what they believe, though, it's how they are trained to act . . . they will go to any lengths as L Ron Hubbard ordered in his "fair game" policy. It states they should "lie, cheat, steal or destroy" anyone against the church.
John Ireland
Absolutely a cult. Dangerous? Hell, yeah. Just listen to the interview from a few days ago by ABC news and their show nightline with the niece of the head of the church and how she tells about how real "disconnection" is, how they have forced abortions and how mind control there really works.
Jukka Minton China
The mythology in Scientology is no stranger than many other religions, but they operate as a textbook example of a destructive cult. There are Christian cults too . . . what makes them cults is not that they believe in Jesus but that they believe in controlling people as strictly as they do.
David Norway