Waterford's case for a university

Madam, - Your Editorial of April 5th was a refreshing endorsement of Waterford's university application.

Madam, - Your Editorial of April 5th was a refreshing endorsement of Waterford's university application.

It stands in stark contrast to the response of Dr Danny O'Hare ("No more Universities!", Education Today, April 8th). As a former principal of Waterford RTC and later founding president of DCU, it would appear that he "disdains the means by which he himself ascended".

His arguments are more a muddying of the waters than a rational review. He selectively quotes from the Port report, but ignores Port's clear recommendations in section 3.16 validating Waterford's case. His tongue-in-cheek call for a reduction in the number of universities to a maximum of four is deliberately mischievous, of course not specifying which are to remain.

Further, his final recommendation of four steps for Government action beggars belief. These are simplistic and flawed. The number of universities is now forgotten. His step four calls for the universities to actively engage with their regions. If he sincerely believes his own recommendation, he should support the Waterford case. There is no university in the south-east; therefore there will be no regional engagement in the south-east. He has certainly scored an own goal.


FUSE's campaign is focused on regional disadvantage. Justice is not being served equally to all our children. This is about the enrichment, not the dilution, of a nation's educational potential. Positive Government action is essential for the future advancement of the south-east. - Yours, etc,

BARRY KENNEDY, (Friends of the University of the South-East), Killotteran, Co Waterford.