TV series on Haughey

Madam, - Mint Productions' TV series on Charles Haughey had many shortcomings, not least - as Muiris Mac Conghail pointed out…

Madam, - Mint Productions' TV series on Charles Haughey had many shortcomings, not least - as Muiris Mac Conghail pointed out (Opinion & Analysis, July 6th) - the absence of an interview with the central figure. But the programmes did do the nation some service.

They gave an insight into how Fianna Fáil was transformed from a national organisation with proud Republican roots to a party controlled by a band of Machiavelli-like country and westerners in pin-striped suits and others seduced by self-aggrandisement and fraud.

Those who had been instrumental in ousting Jack Lynch as leader rose and followed Charlie to ensure that George Colley never took the reins - and were at the ready again when it came to deposing Mr Haughey.

The events portrayed suggested that the reason for the formation of the Progressive Democrats was not, as Charlie McCreevy said, to oppose Mr Haughey, but rather that the PDs wanted to pursue a liberal agenda where talent and political substance counted for something - an idea largely foreign to the "new" Fianna Fáil. - Yours, etc,


MICHAEL CULLEN, Albert Park, Sandycove, Co Dublin.

A chara, - Muiris Mac Conghail has joined others in the chattering classes in their criticisms of the four-part series Haughey on RTÉ.

Most of the critics, however, have overlooked a fundamental point: people watched and enjoyed the series as well as being informed and challenged to make up their own minds. I have never known a television documentary to be mentioned so often in conversation and for so many people to have taped and borrowed episodes they had missed. Our local radio station, South East Radio, devoted over an hour to discussing it and received an avalanche of calls and e-mails on the Haughey legacy. I was at a meeting where the chairperson was told to hurry up proceedings so people could get home in time to watch the programme.

Everyone will have their own opinions of Charles Haughey and in four hours it is impossible to cover every aspect of this most controversial politician's life. For putting together an excellent and challenging series that over half a million viewers tuned into each week and that became a real talking point, Mint Productions deserve praise - as does RTÉ for commissioning it.. - Is mise,

MALCOLM BYRNE, Gorey, Co Wexford.