Sir, - The post of director of the National Library of Ireland has been vacant since the resignation of Dr Patricia Donlon over a year ago. The post was advertised once as a five year contract, and no appointment was made. I now understand the Government has no immediate plans to re-advertise for a new director. While acknowledging the good work being carried out by the present acting director in the short term, the Library Association of Ireland is concerned that, in the long term, the delay in appointing a director will have a detrimental effect on the future direction and development of the National Library of Ireland.
The National Library is one of Ireland's foremost centres for education and research in Irish studies, and acts as a showcase in relation to Ireland's cultural heritage. It also has an important role to play in the Information Society. Today great changes are taking place in national libraries, due to the globalization of information technology and its impact on libraries and on library services.
The National Library of Ireland needs a director with vision to steer the future development of the Library's collections and services. The director of the National Library has an important leadership role too, both within Ireland and internationally.
We therefore urge the Minister for Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands to re-advertise the post as a permanent post, and at a salary level similar to those of directors of other European National Libraries, thus ensuring that a librarian of the highest calibre will be appointed as director of this important national institution. - Yours, etc., Beatrice M. Doran,
President, Library Association of Ireland, RCSI Library, Mercer Street Lower, Dublin 2.