Southside Bus Corridor

Sir, - Congratulations to John Sheehan (August 21st) on his fine letter about the incompetence and arrogance of the Dublin Transport…

Sir, - Congratulations to John Sheehan (August 21st) on his fine letter about the incompetence and arrogance of the Dublin Transport Office in its attitude to road users and the so-called "Quality" (high or low?) Bus Corridors.

The absurdly wide QBCs have nothing to do with improving Dublin's transport arrangements - if they had, there would be more buses, park-and-ride facilities and so on. Rather, they are part of a leftist agenda to force the tax-paying motorist off the road, at any cost, with no matter how much pain, while failing to provide any realistic alternative. Oh, but we'll still take the tax, thanks very much.

It is obvious to a blind man (oops, person) that the road chaos in Dublin in September will be unprecedented. Mr Conor McCarthy and his colleagues in the sundry traffic-management quangos which we must both pay for and tolerate will be directly, personally responsible for this chaos.

Funny, I am absolutely for QBCs, but not in their current half-baked form, and not until there are three time more buses. Mr McCarthy and friends should go to Stockholm, Utrecht, Stuttgart to see how it's done properly. - Yours, etc., Conor Sexton,


Castleside Drive, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14.