Selling of virginity

Madam, - Could anyone please tell me why RTÉ thought it would be of interest to the Irish nation to present a 10-minute interview…

Madam, - Could anyone please tell me why RTÉ thought it would be of interest to the Irish nation to present a 10-minute interview on the Late Late Show last Friday with an 18-year-old student who decided to sell her virginity on the Internet? Apparently this was in order to finance her studies. She finally accepted the offer of a 46-year-old man. We were not told the final amount offered but the impression given was that it was in excess of £35,000.

The whole concept is sleazy and except for the fact that she is over 18, it is not unlike middle-aged men going to Thailand, etc., for the purpose of having sex with young girls.

The whole interview was in very bad taste and sets a very bad example to the youth of the country. If she felt it necessary to act as she did, do we need to reward her further by paying her to appear on our national television? - Yours, etc.,

T. BRADLEY, Clontarf, Dublin 3.