Sir, - Senators Shane Ross and David Norris, who with me represent the University of Dublin in Seanad Eireann, were expelled from the chamber forprotesting against the amendments proposed by the Progressive Democrats to the Trinity College, Dublin and the University of Dublin Charters and Letters Patent Amendment Bill. I totally support their position.
The amendments put down by the Progressive Democrats and supported by Fianna Fail involve the deletion of the words "the University of Dublin" wherever the words are used in the Bill. In 1888 the then Master of the Rolls, Andrew Marshall Porter, ruled that the University and the College were one and the same and it is under the two names that College is referred to in both Charters and all Letters Patent. Any name change now in legislation could have unforeseen consequences.
Maurice Manning, leader of the Fine Gael senators, Joe Costello, leader of the Labour senators and Fergal Quinn, a representative of the National University of Ireland all supported our contention that the name of college should be left as it always has been.
The Tanaiste, Mary Harney, and the junior Minister Liz O'Donnell of the Progressive Democrats are distinguished graduates of the University of Dublin. May I appeal to them to stop this attempt to put asunder the name of their alma mater? - Yours, etc.,
Senator Mary Henry, Seanad Eireann, Dublin 2.