Sir, - Most teachers and parents are extremely annoyed by recent statements from the new anti-RSE organisation, Parents and Teachers for Real Education. They certainly do not represent the vast majority of parents and teachers in this country. Most people support the well conceived RSE programme. I am also annoyed to hear that 100 Co Kerry schools are refusing to become involved in RSE. Is this figure accurate?
It's time they came to live in the real world. Most independent research and objective observers know that RSE will reduce unplanned pregnancy, make students less likely to consider sexual activity beneficial in their personal relationships, and less likely to be sexually active at 16.
I have yet to meet a teacher or parent who disagrees with RSE. Above all, our children will be safer. If it is implemented with the "Stay Safe" programme it will ensure that another generation will not be abused.
Finally, I think PATRE should come clean on this issue, and show us all their real agenda. - Yours, etc., Finian McGrath
(inner-city principal), Griffith Ave, Dublin 9.