Report On Childcare

A chara, - The terms of reference laid down under the Partnership 2000 Report on Childcare by the expert working group precluded…

A chara, - The terms of reference laid down under the Partnership 2000 Report on Childcare by the expert working group precluded the group from addressing the financial pressures that force some women to undertake paid work when they would prefer to look after their children at home.

As a member of the expert working group, I raised the issue of the stay-at-home parent and was informed that it was not included in the terms of reference and could not be considered. I was not happy but was bound by the terms of reference.

I think the Minister was correct in referring this report to an inter-departmental group to be considered in conjunction with the Report on the Commission on the Family and the Report of the Education Forum in order to achieve a balanced, comprehensive social policy rather than a unbalanced, economically market-driven childcare policy.

I would hope that the inter-departmental group, having the various reports to hand, will recommend its findings to the Minister without delay, with a view to having emergency recommendations to alleviate the crisis in the childcare area implemented immediately, and the full implementation under the provisions of next December's budget. - Is mise, Cllr Cait Keane


(Member of the expert working group for St Nicholas Montessori Society of Ireland), Templeogue, Dublin 6w.