Refusing to pay tax

Madam, – As of now, I will no longer pay my taxes

Madam, – As of now, I will no longer pay my taxes. I am a company director and have some small amount of control over this. Over the past years I have watched a small elite group of idiots make a set of greed-driven decisions from which neither I nor my friends, or family have benefited. Today I am being asked to pay for this and asked to commit my children and my grandchildren to pay for it and asked to watch my elderly neighbours suffer for it. I will not support this.

Taking example from the so-called leaders of this country and their actions or the actions of others who they are not prepared to punish, I will do the following. 1. Cease paying PAYE/PRSI by paying out “loans” instead of salaries, hoping that in the nebulous future my company goes bust and I can then call on other taxpayers to bail me out for something they didn’t benefit from. 2. Pay any VAT on invoices or corporation tax due into an account which will be used to fund charities directed at education and the elderly. 3. Immediately pay down the debts I have had to run up since September 2008 to support this madness and declare this as an offset against any taxes due from me. 4. As soon as possible I will reverse the pay cuts made to myself and my wonderful employees who have not once moaned during this crisis.

I will continue with this action until the Government has imprisoned the at-best stupid, at-worst guilty developers, bankers and regulators, reversed the idiotic Nama and support of the banks, and then themselves resigned and a new properly qualified government of businessmen is in place.

Undoubtedly Revenue will go ahead and take legal action, don’t let me stop them. I won’t defend myself as I have no resources to do so. However, I would hope that the courts are so busy dealing with the large white-collar crime which brought this country to its knees, the drug barons, the murderers, rapists, child abusers, etc, that they would have no time to deal with a generally law-abiding citizen like myself. If they take a different view then it is an even sadder day for this country than today. – Yours, etc,



JFDI Services Ltd,

Donard, Co Wicklow.