Racism And The Media

Sir, - Ciara Dwyer writes (February 28th) that the "sins of one story in the Evening Herald should not be visited on the Sunday…

Sir, - Ciara Dwyer writes (February 28th) that the "sins of one story in the Evening Herald should not be visited on the Sunday Independent or any other newspapers in the group" and that "the Sunday Independent in particular has nothing to be ashamed of." Ms Dwyer is, I'm afraid, very wrong on both counts.

Independent Newspapers as a group has proven itself time and again to hold a particular editorial stance with regard to refugees and asylum-seekers in Ireland. This stance is reflected in numerous articles of a very sensationalist nature which demonstrate a dangerous disregard for an extremely vulnerable section of Irish society. It is particularly irresponsible to print such sensationalist articles at a time when Ireland is only beginning to experience racial diversity.

With regard to the Sunday In- dependent being free from shame, Ms Dwyer is very much mistaken. Arguably the most racist article to appear in any Irish newspaper was published in the Sunday Independent ("Race and the fatuous fatwa", February 15th). In this article, Mary Ellen Synon comes perilously close to inciting race hatred in Ireland.

Ms Synon argues that if the source of intolerance and hatred felt by some Irish people towards Ireland`s "exotic newcomers" has "a logical basis", then it should be acted on. She goes on to say that "Ireland, already split by religion, is about to be tinted by colour". Even worse, Ms Synon suggests that Ireland should completely abdicate its agreed international responsibility to provide refuge to asylum-seekers. Instead, she proposes that "foreign individuals ought to be let into this country only if they have something specific to trade for the benefit of Ireland."


The Anti-Racism Campaign sought a right to reply (copy attached) to this outrageous article but the Sunday Independent did not see fit to print our letter. Yes, indeed, the Sunday Independent in particular should be very much ashamed. Incidents of racist abuse and attack, albeit at a very low level, are already occurring on Irish streets. Articles such as those published by the Sunday Independent will, I fear, ensure that they increase. - Yours, etc.,

From Pat Guerin

Anti-Racism Campaign, Upper Camden Street, Dublin 2.