President's Communion

Sir, - The parting shot of Cardinal Daly's article "New wealth comes with a responsibility to distribute it" (January 8th) puts…

Sir, - The parting shot of Cardinal Daly's article "New wealth comes with a responsibility to distribute it" (January 8th) puts the inter-communion issue tellingly in context: "It is by this standard that the Lord will judge us all: `As long as you did not do this to the least of these my brothers and sisters, you did not do it to me'."

In other words, our prime conscience rule is that we should do all we can, within our individual limits (material and non-material) to lessen deprivation of all kinds until we die. Everything else, inter-communion included, matters only insofar as it supports us in our deprivation-lessening efforts. Every other rule is secondary for everyone, Christian and non-Christian.

What we shall regret most on Judgement Day is, as our Cardinal reminds us, what we failed to do to lessen deprivation. - Yours, etc.,

From Joe Foyle


Sandford Road, Dublin 6.