Sir, - Mark Brennock quotes John Bruton saying "politics is about public service and the discharge of a public trust" (The Irish Times, June 6th). Let us examine how Fine Gael discharges public trust in John Bruton's own backyard, Dunboyne.
Just over a year ago, myself and the other local election candidates in the Dunshaughlin area of Co Meath were asked by the Dunboyne Combined Residents' Associations to give a commitment to preserve the green belt between Dunboyne and Clonee by maintaining the old railway line as the development boundary at that side of Dunboyne. In particular, we were asked that a particular area outlined to us on a map be not rezoned. All of the candidates present (including the two who are now Fine Gael councillors) agreed.
Less than a year later, all of the councillors in the area have decided to ignore their pre-election pledge and together propose to Meath County Council that the area on the map mentioned above be rezoned for residential development.
John Bruton might "talk the talk" of "restoring a sense of morality to politics" but his own councillors on his own doorstep walk the same old walk that has generated the current level of cynicism in the electorate.- Yours, etc.,
John King, Labour Candidate, Dunshaughlin Electoral Area, Bourne View, Ashbourne, Co Meath.