Poetry and audience

Sir, – Your letter writer Bill Power (May 21st) hits the nail on the head with his comments about modern poetry. Under false illusions, I joined a writing group some years ago.

My knowledge of poetry was skimpy, and in the mistaken belief that I would find an outlet for my humble prose, I got stuck in.

My mortification when I discovered I had fallen amongst poets was considerable. Adopting a learning position for a few weeks, it gradually dawned on me that some of the pieces of prose I had written over the years were not too far from what my colleagues were submitting as poetry. Thus armed, I entered a few competitions (never realising that poetry is a blood sport) and earned commendations, no less.

In the five years or so I was a member, I don’t think anyone handed in a rhyming poem that was taken seriously.


However, it was a most enjoyable period of my life, and made me a better writer, if not a better poet. – Yours, etc,



Co Cavan.