Perrigo settlement

Sir, – Surely the taxpayer is owed an explanation as to how Revenue assessed a tax liability of €1.64 billion on Perrigo and subsequently settled for something short of €300 million (Business, September 30th).

Not only is the difference mind boggling by any standard, it begs the question of the validity of the initial claim and hence the competence of those officials who made the assessment.

Significant cost has also been part of this negotiation and ultimate settlement, again borne by the taxpayer. Will anybody be held to account for this fiasco? Most likely when pigs can fly. – Yours, etc,




Co Wicklow.

A chara, – I read with interest in The Irish Times that a wealthy multinational pharmaceutical firm, with net sales of over €5 billion has just settled a €1.64 billion tax bill with revenue for just €297 million or some 18 per cent of the amount owed.

I wish to put Revenue on notice that as a PAYE worker I am also willing to come to a similar accommodation on my tax liabilities.

What do you think my chances are ? – Is mise,


Killarney, Co Kerry.