Sir, I read with great amusement your recent article "Bruton warns of further pay restraint". Again the PAYE sector must show constraint. The workforce of this country has done its fair share over the last number of years. If the Government is looking for more revenue take a look at themselves in regard to their tax allowances on Government salaries look at the ridiculous returns from the farmers, publicans and the self employed look at the immoral wage rises of bank and other financial directors. The workers have given away far too much over the years social welfare benefits reduced under the guise of taxation dental benefits reduced the abolition of pay related benefit and the likelihood of a new levy being imposed as a result of the beef scandal.
If the workers do not wake up and take a stance and say enough is enough then I suggest save yourself a few bob and burn your union cards. Yours, etc., Glebe View, Church Street, Finglas, Dublin 11.