Oireachtas career breaks

Sir, – So, Minister for Education Richard Bruton is to issue a directive to schools emphasising that teacher career breaks should only be granted if schools are in a position to fill these vacancies that would be created (“Career-break teachers invited to return to ease staffing ‘crisis’”, Education, January 26th). Can we take it that these new rules will apply to teachers on “Oireachtas leave”? By far the most represented profession in Dáil Éireann comes from the teaching profession, and it is not unusual for TDs to be on this “temporary” leave for decades.

Finian McGrath has set a standard on this issue the Dáil should embrace. On being elected for a second consecutive term of office, it should be mandatory for a teacher to relinquish her or his teaching post. Not alone would this give permanence of work to the substitute teacher but it would also give Mr Bruton the moral authority he currently lacks to issue directives on teacher career breaks. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 6W.