Sir, - I can only assume that Brendan Howlin is a catlover

Sir, - I can only assume that Brendan Howlin is a catlover. I note, in his new, welcome, Bill on litter, that the owners of dogs that do where dogs shouldn't do, including those dogs that do their doings in one's garden, are liable for a range of sanctions and fines.

What, I ask, about cats? Can there be anything more disgusting that finding that some skulking, incontinent furball has rooted up your garden and turned it into a latrine? Are the owners of these miserable moggies to be allowed to get away scot free while the owners of caught short dogs are to be sanctioned?

Fair is fair, Minister - let there be no discrimination as between domestic quadrupeds. Dog or cat, them that do what they do where they shouldn't do should be done (but not by the gardai - a waste of resources like that wouldn't do). - Yours, etc.,

12 Farmleigh Close,



Co Dublin.