Marriage referendum

A chara, – It seems that some people never vote on the question asked in referendums but on a whole array of other issues. This referendum is no different.

Reading between the lines, it would appear that for some this is essentially a referendum on whether they approve of gay people and their relationships rather than on extending rights to a minority within our society. Why else the fascination with adoption?

As for the redefinition of marriage, we have already redefined it. Wives are no longer considered the property of their husbands. – Is mise,



An Uaimh,

Co na Mí.­

Sir, – People should wake up to the fact that this proposed referendum has nothing to do with marriage. It is a proposal to extend the rights that married couples enjoy to others of the same sex who form a contract or bond to live together. Call it what you will, it is not marriage. That the Government of a so-called Christian country should regard any such arrangement as marriage is a clear sign of moral and spiritual decadence. – Yours, etc,



Co Cavan.