Sir, – As Michelle Mulherin TD is clearly stuck in a 1950s’ Catholic wonderland judging by her antiquated sermon to the Dáil on “fornication” (Home News, April 20th), is there any hope of seeing a modern, progressive Ireland bloom during the term of this Government? – Yours, etc,
A chara, – I know Fine Gael is in the dark ages regarding its regressive response to the financial crisis. Claiming “fornication” as the greatest cause of unwanted pregnancies in Ireland, just goes to show how out of touch it really is. – Is mise,
A chara, – As a member of the Irish diaspora, I’m cringing with embarrassment to hear of a TD using John Charles McQuaid style rhetoric by way of Mary Whitehouse while discussing legislation.
Michelle Mulherin would be more relevant discussing butter vouchers at the village pump while kissing the bishop’s ring before he throws in the ball at Croke Park! – Is mise,