Madam, – Ivor Callely has been awarded €17,000 (Home News, February 1st) in lieu of lost “earnings” due to a 20-day suspension from the Seanad. The implication here is that Seanad members can earn €850 per day or approximately €221,000 per 260-day year (assuming they are paid holiday time as public servants). Can this be true, or does a Seanad member need to live in a remote spot to accrue such sums of money? – Yours, etc,
Madam, – In all the fuss surrounding Senator Ivor Callely’s recent High Court victory regarding the technical issue of the redesignation of his residence, the issue of where he was physically located when he made his expense claims from a Cork address remains. This was clearly an issue of concern to the person who made the original complaint, and remains unresolved by the Seanad or the High Court.
Perhaps Senator Callely could assist in clearing up the matter by providing mobile and landline phone records for the period in question? – Yours, etc,