Harney wrong on trade unions

Madam, - Minister for Health Mary Harney appears to have been misinformed, or perhaps even misled, in relation to trade union…

Madam, - Minister for Health Mary Harney appears to have been misinformed, or perhaps even misled, in relation to trade union membership figures. ("Cowen rejects Siptu demand on bargaining rights", The Irish Times, May 31st). Neither position befits a senior member of government.

She claims "just 500,000 out of 2.1 million workers" are union members. This is bad maths and bad statistics. That figure of 2.1 million represents the total workforce and includes - as in any other country - managers, the self-employed and others not eligible for union membership. In Ireland, the eligible membership is closer to 1.7 million.

As the largest civil society body on the island, the Irish Congress of Trade Unions currently has close to 850,000 members north and south of the border. Add in those in unions that are not affiliated to congress, and the figures touches 900,000.

In the south, union membership is at an all-time high with some 650,000 union members (including non-affiliates) and has been growing steadily since 2004. The simple fact is that Ireland now has more people in unions that at any time in its history.


Ms Harney was also incorrect to claim that unions are the preserve of the public sector. In fact, the clear majority of union members - over 55 per cent - are in the private sector.

Overall, Ireland has one of the highest membership and density levels in the European Union. The EU average is approximately 25 per cent; the UK rate is some 28 per cent, with France at just 8 per cent. In Ireland the figure is a relatively healthy 37 per cent.

In some EU countries the membership rate rises to between 70 and 80 per cent. Incidentally, those same countries - Denmark, Sweden and Norway - also enjoy the best public services, the highest standards of living and the most equal societies in the EU.

Might there be a connection there somewhere? - Yours, etc,


Irish Congress of Trade Unions,

Parnell Square,

Dublin 2.