Greeting The Critic

Sir, - I can sympathise with Dermot Bolger when he said at the Greeting the Critic seminar that "what he hated was, however, …

Sir, - I can sympathise with Dermot Bolger when he said at the Greeting the Critic seminar that "what he hated was, however, when they wrote about something he hadn't written at all". (The Irish Times, October 16th.)

I too have experienced this. When my play Nothing ever happens in Letterfrack was transmitted on RTE, a reviewer in a Sunday paper said: "There is a play to be written about the Christian Brothers, but this isn't it." But I hadn't written a play about the Christian Brothers. My play was about one troubled Christian Brother and the policeman who befriends him on a journey. The reviewer was Dermot Bolger. - Yours, etc., Clive Geraghty,


Dublin 15.