Excluded by not being 'online'

Sir, – As one of those affected, I am increasingly concerned and dismayed at the growing assumption that everyone is prepared…

Sir, – As one of those affected, I am increasingly concerned and dismayed at the growing assumption that everyone is prepared, willing and/or able to “go online” for just about everything.

There must be many people in the country like me, who, without necessarily being Luddites, for one good reason or another do not, or cannot, use computers, yet no provision whatever is made for us, with telephone numbers no longer being given in advertisements or public notices, but only the ubiquitous website information. Those of us who are unable, or simply opt not to avail of modern technology are being ruthlessly disregarded, and no one seems to be doing anything about it.

I am sure that if a properly-conducted national survey were to be carried out, with no loaded questions, it would reveal that many people are being adversely affected by this development (especially among the old, the disabled, the less well-off). It is moreover outrageous that travel agents and other organisations will no longer deal with over-the-telephone bookings, but only online, except on receipt of an additional payment of €30-€40, purely for providing this service. – Yours, etc,


Park Lane,


Dublin 4.