Sir, - Driving to Dublin a few days ago, I came within inches and seconds of being killed in a car crash. It was the second time in two months I had such an experience. The circumstances in each case were virtually identical.
I was driving on a de-restricted stretch of the main Galway/Dublin road. I was carefully adhering to the 60 m.p.h. national speed limit. Suddenly (in each case) a car sped out of a minor road on my left just ahead of me, went right across the main road and turned right. A vehicle travelling west, and into whose path the offending car drove, also came perilously close to being crashed into.
The driver who so nearly took our lives was driving one-handed. He was using his other hand to clamp a mobile phone to his ear.
When, I wonder, are the relevant legal authorities here going to take effective steps against these law-breakers and potential killers? - Yours, etc.,
Liam Nolan, Gort Road, Loughrea, Co Galway.