Divisions among US Democrats

Madam, - I agree with your Editorial of April 24th that the Democratic party in the US needs to decide soon on the candidate…

Madam, - I agree with your Editorial of April 24th that the Democratic party in the US needs to decide soon on the candidate to represent it in the presidential election, but it is not being helped by the playground antics of both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

Name-calling, finger-pointing and "the blame game" are the nicer forms of assault being employed; while we are used to this sort of behaviour from Clinton, I am shocked at Obama for resorting to such underhanded behaviour. The focus needs to shift from the candidates themselves to their fundamental beliefs. In other words they need to grow up and show us what they are made of. - Yours, etc,

ALAN DALY, Wellmount Green, Finglas, Dublin 11.