Culture and circumcision

Madam, - I fully agree with Kevin Myers's analysis of the trial of Osagie Igbinidion (An Irishman's Diary, January 11th)

Madam, - I fully agree with Kevin Myers's analysis of the trial of Osagie Igbinidion (An Irishman's Diary, January 11th). I was equally amazed at the political establishment's silence after Judge Kevin Haugh said it was important for jurors not to bring their "white, Western values" to bear on their deliberations.

What other values are jurors to bring to their deliberations? How can the trial judge imply that Irish, Western values are not to be used in judgment on Africans who mutilate children? Judge Kevin Haugh must not have thought through the implications of his remarks. It is a pity that judges cannot be held accountable for their lofty pronouncements in court.

Why is Kevin Myers the only commentator in the country who questions our society's ability to throw out its values for fear of being labelled racist? - Yours, etc,



South Dock Road,


Dublin 4.