Sir, - Adrian Weckler (January 15th) regards Belisha beacons as much loved cultural icons and he may well be right

Sir, - Adrian Weckler (January 15th) regards Belisha beacons as much loved cultural icons and he may well be right. However I would hesitate to advance an opinion without the advice of your more erudite columnists: after all, the legs of these beacons may well be posts colonialist or even posts modern. I cannot comment on the significance of their having orange on top.

In my first letter, I had confined myself to more mundane matters: I merely suggested that the beacons were useless for ensuring the safety of pedestrians. It might be possible to satisfy both Mr Weckler and myself by removing the beacons and replanting them in a suitable location, where cultural enthusiasts might admire them.

I understand that the Office of Public Works has a suitable vacant site at Mullaghmore.

Yours, etc.,


Stradbally North,

Castleconnell, Co Limerick.