Credit card security

Madam, - Chip and pin technology was supposed to enhance security on credit and debit cards, yet I find it difficult to identify…

Madam, - Chip and pin technology was supposed to enhance security on credit and debit cards, yet I find it difficult to identify the security factor when consumers are frequently heard asking sales assistants to use the merchants' code to over-ride the system, because they, the customer, had "forgotten" or "didn't receive in the post" their PIN number.

To compound this, one will find vendors doing as the customer wants, and using the merchants' code to accept the purchase.

This process ensures that lost or stolen cards will continue to be used fraudulently as long as customers "forget" their PIN and vendors over-ride the system. May I suggest that, as it stands, the chip and pin system is failing and will continue to do so until there is a change in the behaviour of customers and vendors alike? - Yours, etc,

RALPH McGARRY, Glenview Park, Tallaght, Dublin 24.