Comic's remarks on Holocaust

Madam, – As someone who was in the Hot Press tent for the interview with Tommy Tiernan at the recent Electric Picnic festival…

Madam, – As someone who was in the Hot Presstent for the interview with Tommy Tiernan at the recent Electric Picnic festival, I feel I am in a position to comment on the recent controversy (Home News, September 23rd).

The comments made by Mr Tiernan were part of a half-an- hour interview and question and answer session on subjects such as his recent marriage, the joys of sober sex, the best heckle he had to endure, what star sign he was and the issue of anti-semitism among others..

I disagree with the comment of the Archbishop of Dublin, Diarmuid Martin, that “comedy does not bring with it unlimited licence”. Those of us who like the comedy of Tommy Tiernan accept that there are no limits to what he will attempt to make a joke out of.

Sometimes it offends, sometimes it shocks, but ultimately he can make the most offending and shocking issues very funny. You either accept that or you don’t. You go to his shows or you don’t. It is as simple as that. – Yours, etc,






Co Donegal.

Madam, – You report Tommy Tiernan as saying he is “greatly upset by the thought that these comments caused hurt to others”. Also, that it is his duty “to be reckless and irresponsible as a comic performer”. He also wishes that his outburst at the Electric Picnic should not be taken “out of context”. What “context” is that exactly? The reckless and irresponsible one? Oh, I see.

This type of defence of his stupid and offensive remarks concerning the Holocaust amounts to nothing but a rationalisation of his position whereby he tries to explain his attitudes, ideas or feelings in a logical or ethically acceptable way.

Maybe he should do another gig and explain his idea of context once more and convince those of us who question his rationalisations that he is funny rather than anything else. – Yours, etc,



Co Leitrim.