Charges for chiropody

Madam, - I am 76 years of age and a holder of a medical card.

Madam, - I am 76 years of age and a holder of a medical card.

As such I avail of the HSE chiropody service. My chiropodist has recently imposed a surcharge of €10 per treatment.

On my protesting to the HSE about what I consider a stealth tax, I have been informed that this surcharge is out its hands, that the chiropodists are only on contract to the HSE and as such are free to make these extra charges.

They naively suggest that I contact all the chiropodists on the HSE panel until I find one that does not apply this policy.


Quite apart from the hardship involved for our older citizens, I think the logic of this policy defies reason.

I should be grateful, whilst we await the return to duty of our parliamentary representatives, if you would invite the views of your readers concerning this (and I use the term advisedly) very sore point. - Yours, etc,