Care in the Royal Hospital, Donnybrook

Sir, – As the parent of a young man who is in a minimally conscious state resulting from a sporting accident and who has been cared for in the Royal Hospital Donnybrook for over seven years, in contradistinction to the implications of your article of November 29th, I would like to say that for his wife and his family not one day passes but we are grateful, in the circumstances, for the good fortune of his being in that institution.

There he is most excellently cared for and cherished among many similar tragic invalids.

Our national compassion for such misfortune is surely an admirable reflection on our society. Not all societies match up. – Yours etc,



Blackrock, Cork.

Sir, – While I would not presume to contradict a Hiqa report, last Friday’s article about the Royal Hospital Donnybrook does not reflect my family’s experience of the same establishment.

My father (in his 90s) had two stays there in 2017, both times following treatment in an acute hospital for fall-related injuries.

He enjoyed daily physiotherapy in a specially equipped gym, frequent activities such as table quizzes, concerts and bingo, the use of a coffee shop on the premises, and excellent supervision at all times. The staff were caring, obliging, friendly and professional.

Were it not for his rehabilitation in the Royal Hospital, my father would not have recovered so well from his falls and been able to return to independent living. – Yours, etc.


Killiney, Co Dublin.

Sir, – I have just come home from the Royal Hospital Donnybrook after five months recovering from an operation on a very badly injured hip.

I could hardly believe my eyes when I read "Donnybrook nursing home residents 'not protected' against abuse" (Home News, November 29th). I was in a five women ward which was spacious and airy; much more so than any other ward I have experienced. I accumulated a lot of things but never had a problem with space. Every visitor I had commented on the pleasant atmosphere and on the bright and attractive surroundings. The care and attention of the nurses and carers was excellent and the work of the physio and occupational therapists of exceptional professionalism. With regard to fire safety there was ongoing work being undertaken with a notice to this effect in the hall.

It seems to me that the use of the word abuse is quite uncalled for and indeed no details of the alleged abuse are provided in the article. Of course, there were some difficult patients. The nurses were concerned and firm dealing with them. But abuse . . . ?

Finally, I must say that I had an excellent experience in the RHD and I thank all concerned for their kindness, care and professionalism. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 4.