Brexit and the island of Ireland

Sir, – The Taoiseach’s latest big idea for an “All-Ireland forum” on Brexit was quite correctly given the thumbs down by First Minister Arlene Foster.

This is a time when the Taoiseach’s nearest and dearest in politics should remind him that the invisible Border still exists. He must give his full attention to those of us who actually live and work in the Republic of Ireland. Northern Ireland has its own ruling authority and, for now, remains steadfastly a part of the United Kingdom.

Post-Brexit, Northern Ireland will enjoy the security that goes with the British government being able to make monetary adjustments when and where required; the Irish Government has no such option. The Taoiseach might also give some thought to the likely mass invasion of Northern Irish stores by the Republic’s shoppers. There are enough cross-Border quangos to last us a lifetime. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 5.

Sir, – If the disadvantages for the United Kingdom upon its leaving the EU do not outweigh the disadvantages for the EU in the UK’s leaving, then what it is the point of any country remaining within the EU?

Arlene Foster would do well to remember that it is better to have a good neighbour than a distant relative, and right now her beloved UK is a very distant relative. – Yours, etc,



Co Kildare.