Sir, - Silvio Berlusconi is quite correct in asserting that Western civilisation is superior to Islam at this point in history. He should not have to apologise to anyone for his remarks in Berlin.
Islam is a philosophy which enslaves, when it achieves power. Those states which embrace it, in whole or in part, are guilty of gross human rights abuses. They deny freedom of expression and religion.
As a Christian, I cannot accept the idea that all religions are of equal validity in bringing people to God. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the life; no-one comes to the Father, except through Him.
The prophet Mohammed is not to be equated with the Saviour of Mankind, in any way. Those of us who are Christians and democrats respect the right of Muslims to be misled by their Imams and Mullahs and to worship unmolested in their Mosques; we should not have to silence ourselves and refrain from criticising them, however.
I have been vociferous in saying that I object to the views of some of my own co-religionists, when I have felt called to do so (particularly in relation to fundamentalist Protestants in the North). I would like to hear some criticism from Muslims of those who act in the name of Islam and deny rights to others.
I would like to hear someone condemn the fact that it is impossible to practice Christianity openly in many Muslim countries, such as Saudi Arabia. I would like to hear calls being made for the release of those held for preaching the Gospel in Afghanistan. I wait to hear loud and clear calls for better justice in Mohammedan lands and the abolition of barbarous execution practices. As a believer in freedom of conscience and lifestyle, I listen out for Muslim voices disagreeing with the harsh way that women, homosexuals and minorities of all sorts are dealt with. How long and how intently do I have to wait to hear voices of Muslim dissent? - Yours, etc.,
David Frazer, Millicent, Sallins, Co Kildare.