Bankrupt future, history-rich past

Madam, – In conjunction with the recent revival of interest in Saint Brendán the Navigator, I wish to draw attention to Clonfert…

Madam, – In conjunction with the recent revival of interest in Saint Brendán the Navigator, I wish to draw attention to Clonfert, Co Galway. This was the great monastic community founded by Brendán around 560. During the sixth century, more than 3,000 scholars from the continent came to Ireland to study in places such as Clonfert, keeping the lamp of literacy alive in the Dark Ages.

Anyone wanting to know more about Saint Brendán and this time should read Morgan Llywelyn’s new novel, Brendan, which brings the man to vivid life as no one has done before.

Unfortunately little remains of his Clonfert. The cathedral built on the site in the late 12th century celebrates its importance. Peter Harbison has described the extravagantly carved doorway of the cathedral as representing the “apogee of the Irish Romanesque”. Now time and weather are erasing this unique work of art.

In our headlong rush toward a bankrupt future we are abandoning the tangible links to our history-rich past. Overpriced houses, oversized cars and thousand-euro handbags are not wealth, they are wastage that leaves nothing worthwhile for our children. We cannot save all our ancient artefacts, nor should we even try. But outstanding examples such as Clonfert must not be allowed to disappear.


The future needs them. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.