Sir, – The question was raised in your Editorial (October 14th) as to whether mainstream education was the cause of Ireland being just average on literacy, numeracy and problems in technology-rich environments, or if there might be some other effect that prevents us from being ranked higher. There is indeed an explanation why the results are poor.
Over the past seven years there has been an exodus of our brightest and best from this country as a result of the recession. Our highly educated young people are emigrating to find work and avoid the dole queue. Only those left behind are surveyed. Thus, the brain drain is skewing the results for Ireland. The next question we need to ask is, “Can Ireland afford to lose so many well-educated people each year to other countries?”
Ireland is not reaping the benefit of their education and is now presenting as just average in the education rankings. We are losing our young people and our reputation as a highly educated nation. This issue is being swept under the carpet. Now is a good time to stimulate debate on the issue. – Yours, etc,
The Vale, Skerries Rock,
Skerries, Co Dublin.