Attacks On Iraq

Sir, - We are told that any further problems between UNSCOM and the Iraqis will cause US/UK attacks, without warning or negotiations…

Sir, - We are told that any further problems between UNSCOM and the Iraqis will cause US/UK attacks, without warning or negotiations.

Does this, in effect, leave the determination of peace or war in the hands of youngish inspectors or impulsive team leaders? Is it wise?

One hopes that there are cool upper-level assessments.

The information available on these attacks indicate grim possibilities for civilians, irrespective of efforts to spare them.


Both sides can make mistakes - due to national pride, insensitive or unwarranted demands or dubious information from unaccountable sources with an Iraq de- lenda est agenda. - Yours, etc., E. D. Doyle,

Tower Road, Clondalkin, Dublin 22.