Sir, – On reading your recent letters on “Racing the Connemara train” (Letters, November 3rd and 5th), I am reminded of my student days in UCG when a fellow Limerick medical student and I would race the Galway-Limerick bus home.
That was a time when full-board accommodation was £4 a week and the bus fare home was £1 each.
We would hire a taxi for six shillings to take us to Eyre Square in Galway city.
There we would place our end-of-term cases, vinyl record collection and player in the luggage compartment of the Limerick-bound bus. Having waved the bus off, the waiting taxi would then drop us to the outskirts of Galway.
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As we thumbed our way to Limerick, the trusty bus and luggage would take the coast road via Kinvara, Ennistimon, and the Cliffs of Moher. We usually had time to spare to arrive at Colbert Station in Limerick to pick up our luggage and taxi home.
A total savings of 28 shillings. Enough for five dinners in the Corrib Restaurant in Egglington Street, Galway. – Yours, etc,