Dare to doubt

Next Thursday, May 14th, The Ascension Day, is a major festival of the Church

Next Thursday, May 14th, The Ascension Day, is a major festival of the Church. Scripture readings of that day tell of Jesus leading his disciples out to the vicinity of Bethany. There He gave them some parting teaching and commands: "Go and teach all peoples, and baptise them; the Holy Spirit will inspire you." And He promised that He would be with them, even to the end of the world. He gave a solemn blessing, and then a cloud enveloped Him. When it dispersed, He was seen no more.

On their way to Bethany the disciples would remember many times when their strong faith seemed to be threatened by strong doubts. It clearly happened after the Resurrection and at other times. They were apprehensive. His promise that He would rise again on the third day was in contrast to what they saw before their eyes.

On the way to Bethany they clung to the fact that Jesus kept his promises, and that he was careful in preparing them for coming events. We see this in words of Jesus to them before His crucifixion, about His coming Ascension: "I am telling you the simple truth when I assure you that it is a good thing for you that I should go away. For if I did not go away, the Divine Helper would not come to you. But if I go then I will send Him to you."

On Ascension Day the disciples' apprehension was dispelled, as they actually witnessed Jesus' words coming true before their eyes. Henceforth Christ is ever present to inspire and help us. He is the ruler of the world, the King of the universe. This destiny also points to our own; if we are united with God in this life we too will share in the Kingdom.


In the Gospel we have descriptions of the exceeding joy in believers after their honest doubts gave place to renewed faith. There must be many, many people longing for faith or its growth who are helped by the way Jesus dealt with St Thomas, or by the words of the man who said to Jesus: "Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief." Often a strand of doubt in the rope of faith can in time contribute to its health.

On the Ascension Day, as we rejoice in the kingliness and humanity of Christ, we pray for confidence, as expressed by St Paul: "I have become absolutely convinced that neither death nor life, neither messenger of heaven nor monarch of earth, neither what happens today nor what happens tomorrow, neither a power from on high nor a power from below, nor anything else in God's whole world has any power to separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ our Lord!" W.W.