Zimbabwean opposition welcomes new Mbeki plan

ZIMBABWE: SOUTH AFRICA'S president, Thabo Mbeki, has presented a plan to Zimbabwe's political leaders that would allow Robert…

ZIMBABWE:SOUTH AFRICA'S president, Thabo Mbeki, has presented a plan to Zimbabwe's political leaders that would allow Robert Mugabe to remain as a titular head of state but surrender real power to the opposition leader, Morgan Tsvangirai, who would serve as prime minister until a new constitution was negotiated and fresh elections held, writes Chris McGreal.

A senior opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC)source, who has read the document, said that Mr Mbeki had sent the plan to both Mr Mugabe and Mr Tsvangirai and that it was generally welcomed by the MDC.

The opposition believes the proposal appears to represent a recognition by Mr Mbeki - whom Mr Tsvangirai had previously accused of "colluding with Mugabe to play down the deepening political crisis" - that the Zimbabwean president's power is crumbling.

But the MDC remains suspicious of Mr Mbeki and is demanding that the African Union be a party to any deal. The proposal nonetheless adds to growing international pressure on Mr Mugabe, who has said that while he is prepared to talk to the opposition, it must first recognise that he is the legitimately elected president and will remain so.


Nigeria is the latest African government to condemn last month's presidential election, in which Mr Mugabe claimed 90 per cent of the valid votes after a military-led campaign of violence against the opposition.

Leaders of the Group of Eight industrialised countries are expected to consider taking "measures" against Zimbabwe, according to the host of this week's summit, the Japanese prime minister, Yasuo Fukuda. A US official said Washington expected the G8 to "strongly question the legitimacy of [Mugabe's] government".

The British foreign secretary, David Miliband, speaking after meeting Zimbabwean refugees in Johannesburg yesterday, said the crisis was "infecting the whole of southern Africa".

The MDC source said the party leadership found itself in surprising agreement with much of what Mr Mbeki was proposing, describing it as an important shift from what the opposition described as his previous positions aimed at propping up Mr Mugabe.

The source said "all the basic ideas of the MDC are there", including a recognition of the results of the first round of elections in March won by Mr Tsvangirai. That would be met by making the MDC leader an executive prime minister.

"The important thing is that it recognises the outcome of the March 29th election, and that any government will be transitional on the way to new elections," the source said.

He said the opposition recognised it would have to make concessions, and that allowing Mr Mugabe to remain as a titular president was acceptable if it laid the ground for a new constitution and a fresh vote.

Mr Mbeki flew to Harare on Saturday for a meeting requested by Mr Tsvangirai. But the MDC leader pulled out when, according to the opposition, he was called at short notice by the South Africans to a meeting with Mr Mbeki and Mr Mugabe at the presidential offices in Harare.

Mr Tsvangirai was concerned that going to the state house would be seen as conferring recognition on Mr Mugabe as the legitimately elected president. The MDC also feared that such a meeting would be used by Mr Mbeki to persuade African Union and G8 leaders that there was no need for further international pressure or intervention.

Some of the opposition's fears proved founded when the leader of a breakaway MDC faction, Arthur Mutambara, was invited to the meeting and pictured on the front of the state-controlled press yesterday smiling and shaking hands with Mr Mugabe.

Mr Mutambara holds the balance of power in the new parliament. He had previously said his MPs would back Mr Tsvangirai, but the ruling Zanu-PF is trying to get him to side with it. - (Guardian service)