The stepfather of Ms Joanne Lees, who escaped from a gunman believed to have killed her boyfriend, has arrived in Australia.
Mr Vincent James arrived in Alice Springs and was immediately taken to police headquarters to be reunited with Ms Lees.
She managed to flee from the gunman on Saturday after he had bound and gagged her and dumped her in the back of his pickup truck.
Ms Lees (27) and boyfriend Mr Peter Falconio (28) of Hepworth, West Yorkshire, were held up as they travelled in a camper van about 160 miles north of Alice Springs.
Mr Falconio is believed to have been shot by the gunman. His body has not been found, but police say they found his blood at the scene.
The shooting has sparked one of the biggest manhunts ever in the Australian outback, involving planes, helicopters and Aboriginal trackers.
People from across Australia have phoned police claiming sightings of the gunman after detectives issued a computer-generated image of the man.