Ross tells rally Yes vote is vote for at meeting

The dissident Ulster Unionist MP, Mr Willie Ross, told a rally in Garvagh, Co Derry, last night that unionists who vote Yes in…

The dissident Ulster Unionist MP, Mr Willie Ross, told a rally in Garvagh, Co Derry, last night that unionists who vote Yes in this month's referendum will be allowing the IRA into membership of the government of Northern Ireland.

The rally, which was attended by around 70 people, was also addressed by Mr Gregory Campbell of the DUP. Mr Ross said: "This agreement means Sinn Fein/ IRA will be in charge of government departments.

"People who vote Yes are voting for Gerry Adams running the hospitals or controlling the education of our children."

Referring to the recent IRA statement, he said: "They have now made it perfectly clear they have no intention of decommissioning.


"It is disgraceful that Sinn Fein will have executive authority without the IRA handing over one gun."

Mr Ross expressed concern about the RUC's future. "The very establishment of a commission on policing means there is a hidden agenda. There would be no need for one if it was just a matter of moving the RUC from antiterrorist to normal policing duties."

When asked about comments from his party leader, Mr David Trimble, that UUP candidates in the Assembly election must support the Belfast Agreement, Mr Ross said the party leadership had the right to guide, but not coerce, constituency associations on their choice of candidates.

Mr Campbell condemned the proposed release of paramilitary prisoners. He said it would result in very dangerous people walking the streets.

"There is no support among unionists for this - even among people who will vote Yes." If the agreement was passed but with a substantial number of unionists voting No, the British government should scrap it, he said. "After all, for 25 years they haven't proceeded with various projects because a section of the nationalist community oppose them."