Rebels in Chechnya kill nine Russian troops

Chechen rebels and militants killed at least nine Russian troops over the last 24 hours.

Chechen rebels and militants killed at least nine Russian troops over the last 24 hours.

They shot four local pro-Moscow police officers and kidnapped nine other people who they accuse of co-operating with federal authorities.

Russian troops manning outposts in the area did not intervene.

The military are claiming to control most of Chechnya, but rebels are continuing to kill federal troops and pro-Moscow officials in daily attacks.

Russian sevicemen patrol the streets of the Chechen capital, Grozny

Local residents say some Russian soldiers, prefer not to engage rebels who are superior in number.

At least three Russian servicemen were killed and seven others wounded in 20 rebel shellings of Russian posts over the past 24 hours, says an official.

Russian airplanes and artillery continue to bomb forested southern mountains in a routine attempt to get at the rebels.

President Vladimir Putin is urging rebels to come out for talks on laying down their arms and is demanding they sever all ties with international terrorists.

US President George W. Bush has recently endorsed Mr Putin's assertion that some rebels in Chechnya are affiliated with Osama bin Laden.