Professionals join in rescue effort

Istanbul - Mr Ahmet Ozdemir (26) usually designs brandname campaigns at one of Turkey's top advertising agencies

Istanbul - Mr Ahmet Ozdemir (26) usually designs brandname campaigns at one of Turkey's top advertising agencies. Yet yesterday he was ferrying urgently needed heavy machinery to disaster sites several hours from Istanbul.

Scores of people carrying boxes of medical supplies and food hurried in and out of the agency building. "This has become huge," said Mr Ozdemir.

Truck engines hum outside as drivers, who are accompanied by a volunteer, wait for directions. Mr Ozdemir and his friends work with the independent Turkish emergency search and rescue team (AKUT), directing incoming help where it is most needed.

The scene was being repeated across western Turkey as hundreds of young Turks, more at home in banks and business offices, donned helmets and gloves to aid rescue efforts.


"Several friends and I thought we have to do something, so we picked up shovels and drove out here," said Mr Bahri Akkoyun, an exporter. The young professionals fill an important void as state resources appear inadequate in dealing with the disaster and officials slow in organising relief efforts.